Super health club game free
Super health club game free

super health club game free

When Crow has the ball and his Super, he can self-pass by kicking the ball in front of him, and then use his Super to jump past other Brawlers and retrieve the ball, and then attempt to score. Crow's Super can be useful for Brawl Ball.Although poking deals moderate damage each time, especially because other Brawlers are more effective in long-ranged combat than Crow, poking will slowly defeat the enemy and hinder any healing. While poking, use Crow’s fast movement speed to dodge enemy fire. Attack from a distance and back off to chip away at an enemy's health and charge his Super. To use Crow is to take advantage of his range by poking at the enemy.For this reason, Crow is a great poker that can finish off low-health enemies or continuously prevent isolated Brawler from healing and force them to retreat. The poison also reveals the enemy when they’re inside bushes, so it also prevents enemies inflicted with poison from hiding and healing. This exponentially hinders an enemy’s ability to regroup with allies and/or recover health. Crow's poison prevents the poisoned Brawler from self-healing for 4 seconds more than the normal healing time (3 seconds), raising the required time for auto-regeneration to be 7 seconds instead (similar to El Primo‘s El Fuego Star Power) since the poison enables damage for an extended period.This works best with close-ranged Brawlers, as they’ll be poisoned and can’t reach him to attack him due to Crow’s relatively long range. His Defense Booster Gadget enables better survivability while using his Super, and his Slowing Toxin Gadget also prevents enemies from chasing Crow or retreating from Crow’s Super. If he is low on health with enemies approaching, you can use his Super to fly away and escape while also damaging the enemies. Crow's Super also is a viable escape tool. Because the daggers fly out around him, you should position yourself to land onto an enemy, which maximizes the Super's potential. Once a Brawler is on low health because of the poison, he can jump on them for an quick defeat. His Super is a fitting assassination tool.This allows him to constantly apply poison and regular damage on enemies, preventing them from healing and charging up his Super all the while. Due to Crow's fast reload speed and fast unload speed, he can unload his attack relatively frequently.The effect is lost if the enemy heals back above 50% health. In addition, their health bar turns pink instead of the usual red to indicate the Star Power’s activation. If an enemy has less than 50% of their maximum health, Crow deals 152 extra damage per dagger with his main attack and Super to the enemy and the poison also deals 38 extra damage.

Super health club game free